-HM- The Order of Nature TFChicken-Yuki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chicken-yuki/art/HM-The-Order-of-Nature-TF-296724775Chicken-Yuki

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-HM- The Order of Nature TF



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Upon the urging of :iconchaosoverlordz:, I decided to go ahead and do a transformation based on my unfulfilled fanfic involving the Witch Princess turning into a replacement Harvest Goddess.

Basically, it involves a time limit-based "curse" of sorts where if the farmer couldn't rescue enough Harvest Sprites in time to rescue the Harvest Goddess, nature would act to preserve itself and turn the next most powerful magical being into a new Harvest Goddess. In this case, that happened to be the Witch Princess.

The original fanfic involved a gradual transformation with a far more accelerated personality change. But as a sequence, this obviously had to be more immediate. :XD:

This can't even be considered the best example of an evil to good conversion, as she's become a near copy of the most useless and obnoxious Harvest Goddess to grace the series. Now "Witch Godess" is going to run around and congratulate you on the FIRST TIME YOU PASS OUT, as well as have you perform prerequisite tasks WHEN SHE CAN SOLVE A PROBLEM BY HERSELF. :X

Well, at least she gets away with having sexier clothing now. ^^;

Well, :iconchaosoverlordz:'s actual concept involve the Witch Princess using a spell to accidentally turn herself into the Harvest Goddess. Of course, I wasn't entirely sure which Witch Princess and Harvest Goddess the person was referring to. And I didn't completely copy the original Harvest Goddess design to differentiate her from the "Witch Goddess" final form. So, if someone else wants a go at this TF, I'd be interested. :ninja:

Harvest Moon DS (c) Marvelous Interactive, Natsume
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Strangerataru's avatar
Adorable change there.