Time Well SpentchibiBiscuit on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chibibiscuit/art/Time-Well-Spent-361842697chibiBiscuit

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Time Well Spent



Hey folks!

So, I've been a tad obsessed lately, and as a result, there's a rather large stockpile of pony sketches to color and shade. I love our ponysonas, but I really need to try to draw more characters from the show, though. Really though, I'm just looking forward to improving my shading some.

Anyhow, with us having just moved, I was reminded it doesn't matter as much what you're doing as much as who you're doing it with. Whether you're moving or just sitting in the sun, spending time in the company of those you love and care for is time well spent. :heart:

Also, cameoing in this picture is my friend's unnamed ponysona (you seriously need to name her!) 
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707x728px 380.66 KB
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