chibi-lizard's avatar


A mammal that cares
10 Watchers18 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

  • Aug 24, 1991
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (8)
My Bio
Current Residence: England.
Shell of choice: Conch because you can hear the sea in them and muscle shells because they are pretty but under-rated
Personal Quote: *embarrassed face* But we were talking like pirates!!

Favourite Visual Artist
Stephanie Pui Mun Law, Feriyalle Sharm, Arina Tanemura
Favourite Writers
I'm really into Terry Pratchett at the moment.
Favourite Games
There are WAY too many... so don't make me choose
Tools of the Trade
2h pencil, erasor, laptop, inking pen, water colour panits/pencils, paint brushes, photo copyer
Other Interests
Reading, writing, drawing, painting, nature, adventures, myth, gaming, anime/manga
Okay, guys... to anyone awaiting artwork from me it's on it's way and I AM working on it, that's a promise, but things are a little complicated right now and it may take a while longer than expected. I'm seriously sorry about this, but, without boring you with details, my emotions are all over the place, anxiety has ambushed me and I'm finding thinking straight pretty difficult right now, so artwork is kind of slow going. I'm currently in the process of manning up and getting on with stuff anyway, life doesn't stop for you and I refuse to let things get the better of me. So to Aqua, who's waiting for belated birthday gifts, I'm really sor
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Hey guys! Just to say that  I'm going to be in Wales for a week, but once I get back I should have some stuff to upload (Aqua, you're birthday present will be done by then, promise. ^^; ) SO YEAH. (: I'll be back on about the 11th, see you when I get back! (metaphorically speaking, of course.) Over and out!
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It's true, I swear! No blatant fabrications here! I've just finished Portal 2 (which was... MAGNIFICENT) and it's inspired me to do some fan art so... there WILL be art. And a lot of to will be different to my usual stuff. There should be at least one more Otherworld piece as well, since David Attenborough told me to paint in my dream so I went straight out and bought a canvas. ^^; That one will be an Otherworld drawing, since it's what I find easiest. (: I'll also have a Deviant I.D too and will do some very belated spring cleaning. Out with the old in with the new! Over and out!
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Profile Comments 265

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Uhh, uhh, hey. Hey. Do you have like... any sort of instant messaging program? I'm always on Skype, but I figured; if both of us have that or something else like MSN or what have you, it'd be much easier to keep in touch and be awesome x:
I don't have Skype but I've been meaning to get it. (: I have MSN so until I get my arse in gear and get a Skype account I'll note you my email address for MSN. It would be a lot easier to keep in contact that way, what with how busy we both are. ^^;
Thanks for the fav!
You're welcome. (:
Hey, hey you. Yeah, person I haven't really heard from in a really long time. Remember me? Yeah, I'm that one guy :D DA's telling me it's your birthday today, so...

Happy birthday! :D

I wanna draw something for your birthday, but I still don't have a working scanner, so it may be a while before you see it D:
Thanks man! I've been off of DA for a while... I'm trying to do some decent stuff before coming back. ^^; Kind of a creative spring clean... except it's not spring... ¬_¬

Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes! Don't feel like you have to draw me something, I don't want to put you out. ^^;

Tell me when your birthday is and I'll draw you something! ^^
Ah, mine isn't until May >.> May 22nd to be exact :x

I'll still try to draw you something, and find a scanner I can mooch off of. I'm looking for a way to break my art block, so that I can draw you something good :D