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chibi-jen-hen's avatar

Chaotix Camping Trip



:flops over:

This got to the point where I didn't want to look at it anymore, I feel like I've been working on it so long. >.< What started out as me wanting to draw Mighty with a goofy smile on his face, escalated into this. Some stuff is maybe more sloppy than I'd prefer, but like I said, I got tired of looking at it and just wanted it to be finished XD

Hope ya like.

PS: I have no idea how Vector can sleep with both Espio and Charmy sitting on him....he must be a hard sleeper....
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1367x1818px 1.16 MB
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Toshi-the-Panda-1996's avatar

I can just imagine this scenario: Espio and Mighty have everything figured out and they get the campsite set up, meanwhile Charmy ended up upsetting a bear while gathering firewood and Vector gets attacked by an alligator while trying to catch some fish 😂😂😂😂