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VectorTutorial for Illustrator



I have just completed a vector of David Tennant. Now I thought I would do it as a WIP but then I thought, well why not example what I am doing as I am going along and share with people what I do... like a tutorial :D

Instead of putting it all in one image and it being a bitch to download, I am linking all the pages from my scraps... just click the section you wish to read.

I would however request one thing... if you are wanting to favourite it, please favourite this page, so others know there are other sections involved and not just that one section you have favourited... ya get me?

So the list is as follows:

Base layers and a kinda introduction : [link]
The hand: [link]
The neck: [link]
The top: [link]
The jeans: [link]
Face shading: [link]
Facial hair: [link]
Lips: [link]
Hair : [link] - the brush I used can be downloaded here >>> [link]
The eyes: [link]
Finishing touches and correcting "mistakes" : [link]

If you are interested, I have 3 other tutorials which are for vexelling... however the technics used can be applied to vector art.

Basics: [link] Lips: [link] Eyes: [link]

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, I will do my best to help answer them :)

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Image size
300x300px 46.69 KB
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