3D : Lego PiratesCheungKinMen on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cheungkinmen/art/3D-Lego-Pirates-72625733CheungKinMen

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3D : Lego Pirates



*EDIT: I tweaked the colors a bit and updated to a bigger file just for the sake of it XD . In other news.....*

Oh boy I love this one. Took me quite some time to model the bit and pieces like the sword, the guns and rifles, the hats, those hats were a challenge. Some of the pieces from the ships are not in-scale Lego pieces, I made those up.

The texturing was kind of time consuming and a bit difficult (I hate texturing BTW), but I got through it and it was fun creating the faces and the chest patterns on these Lego pirates, Photoshop rules, but that you guys already know. There are some face expressions that are not very noticeable because of the motion blur, what a shame, I spent a bit more on the faces :( .

This was my first time lighting a scene and I think it came out quite good for my first try. I use from 6 to 8 directional lights, one of them casting shadows and using it as the main light source and I used a HDRI.

Hope you guys like it.

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1280x1024px 1.1 MB
© 2007 - 2025 CheungKinMen
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J3V1L's avatar
This is pretty damned good for a 3D- Render! :nod:
And this is coming from a guy who normally doesn't like 3D Renders!

I especially like that Villanous character with the hook and pegleg. I wish there was a minifig if a character like that... what a face! what a SCAR!

:ahoy: good work again!
