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Paper Mario: BoA Chapter 8



Hey, Look at this!
Since a lot of you guys seem to have enjoyed my Paper Mario: The Book of Ages idea (or perhaps only the drawing, but who cares), I decided to do little pictures on each chapter during the paper adventure.
Picking up where I left off here [link] let's continue with the final Chapter. So Mario has all seven instruments of the Night Sky so Mario and the gang once again climb up the large clock tower in Countdown Town [link] to finally once and for all stop The Great Tick-Tocker! and save the princess an the world in the process. Once at the top, Mario battle's the magician again [link] and with that Mario starts playing the instruments and in a fanciful display of graphics, stops the doomsday comet and defeats the Great Tick-Tocker! Everything was all sunshine and rainbows until the clock struck 12:01 when the world should have ended if not for the instruments stopping the impact of the comet. The earth trembles and the sky shatters as buildings collapse and trees uprooted and people sucked up into the sky. Tears in the fabric of space form everywhere while TGTT only cackles. "Don't you see? The weight of ALL the times I've succeeded in annihilating the world are tearing the very essence of space time itself. Nothing can stop it."boasts the demented magician. Just when all hope seemed lost, once again, the Book of Ages reveals a new way out. It tells Mario that they have to journey into the book and erase The Great Tick-Tocker from time.
Once inside the book, Mario finds a place reminiscent of all the places they traveled through the chapters and many TGTT running around. It's Mario's job then to go through mini versions of the last 7 chapters and defeat each TGTT there, who battle similarly to the original chapter bosses (Like how Boomley in the first chapter will blow up at the end of the battle and so forth). Each time you encounter one of the Great Tick-Tockers, the party member from that chapter has a little dialogue with the magician (Buzz and Boomley share the chapter one TGTT and Goombert gets the one from chapter seven) and try to reason with him, but there pleas fall on deaf ears as TGTT is so warped in his own madness he can't be reasoned with. As all the mini-chapters have been completed, a giant gnarly clock tower arises in the center where all the TGTT go to. Mario and co. head over that way, but as they get to the front gate, Wario and Waluigi are waiting for them (And I finally drew them for once, yay!) [link] . Giving no reason on how they got there, they still insist on Mario handing over the instruments, as they must be worth a fortune. They then have a fight, Mario wins, and the Wario "bros." scurry off and swearing they'll get Mario some day! So Mario finally gets to climb the demented clock tower.
Up and up they go fighting strong enemies and evil shadow versions of themselves. Just as they're about to make it to the very top they hear the all to familiar voice, "Gra har har har! I finally found you Mario! What's a finale without a Bowser appearance? No more sequels! It's gonna end right here, right now. ONCE AND FOR ALL!" It's Bowser, who has been looking for Mario the whole time. He got in by following Mario into the book knowing he'd be up to that sort of thing. You battle, and obviously Mario wins. Then you find that Peach has followed you in to help you out, so Mario, Peach and the partners step out onto the top of the tower. There are hundreds of the Great Tick-Tockers up there all waiting. They are all TGTT of every timeline and they all speak in unison. "I am space... I am time... I can see your past... I can see your future... I consume time... And I will consume you!" With that, they all jump into the abyss and out of the nothingness emerges the grotesque form of Omni Tick-Tockers with the powers and stength of every TGTT combined. All seems lost as every attack appears to bounce off of him. It's then that the Night Sky instruments begin to resonate. The instruments in fact channel the wishes of the peoples of the world to grant the wish. Thus cues a scene that is reminiscent of previous Paper Mario's showing the various different characters from previous chapters wishing for Mario to save the day. With this new power, Peach plays the song of these wishes with the Instruments of the Night Sky to weaken Omni Tick-Tockers so the real battle begins. It's a tough battle, but eventually the forces of good triumph and defeat the Omni Tick-Tockers who vanishes and is erased from time and Mario and gang, including Peach, Bowser and the Wario "bros." are tansported back to the top of the clock tower where everything looks like nothing had ever happened. Only Mario, Peach, Bowser, the Wario "bros." and all the partners remember what happened. And they all lived happily ever after. The End?

Yep, that sums up my idea. And I'm amazed that you read the whole thing! Unless you cheated and skipped most of it, you cheeky little.... Anyways, if you are wondering, some of my ideas before might have changed (Like how I got rid of that chef bob-omb for the Bomb Boo in the previous chapter). Well, I guess that's it then... It only took me almost 3 years to finish it, but I did it. Now you can stop pestering me on it.
I'm done typing.
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loopdeeloop271's avatar

Chapter 8: The Final Countdown!