MTF Beta-7 Maz Hatters Colorized with BackgroundChessiaHeart on DeviantArt

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MTF Beta-7 Maz Hatters Colorized with Background



This is my fan colorization of SunnyClockwork's MTF Beta-7 - Maz Hatters emblem. ☣️

Mobile Task Force Beta-7 specializes in the acquisition and containment of anomalies exhibiting extreme biological, chemical, or radiological hazards as well as the rapid containment and cleanup of areas affected by such anomalies. This includes the planning and deployment of contingencies for wide-area or pandemic spread of anomalous disease agents or other contagious phenomena.

MTF Beta-7 has assisted in the containment of objects: SCP-400SCP-550SCP-1280 (🔊), SCP-1393SCP-2133 (🔊), SCP-2376SCP-2438SCP-2810 (🔊), & SCP-3016.

Any and all SCP fanart I make is creative commons.

If you like what you see, you can follow my posts on Twitter & Tumblr as well! :) (Smile)
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