Happy Halloween - GaaraCherryJam on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cherryjam/art/Happy-Halloween-Gaara-26161198CherryJam

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Happy Halloween - Gaara



Happy (very late) Halloween! :pissedoff:
Yup, I started this about 1 and a half months ago (29 October to be exact) and I wanted to enter it in the Naruto Halloween contest over at NarutoFan, but as always, I didn't plan my time well enough, and was not in time for the contest (or Halloween!!) Anywho, I didn't want to let it go to waste, so I finished it. Here I present you with Gaara in a Halloween costume! (well, sort off)

Okie, more about the picture. Lately I've been playing a lot with Filters and blending changes (they're so cool!) and i used it on the picture. I mostly use Hard Light Blending change and Color Burn Blending change. And also I use blur a lot. But I'll explain that in the tutorial I will (hopefully) be making soon. :w00t:

Please don't critique on the shadows and stuff - It is suppose to be like that. I wasn't planning on making Gaara according the Moon. The BG is just a pretty atmospheric thing in the Back, not really part of the focus of the picture (know what I mean?). The light is actually coming from the top-right front corner. The higlights on the hat is just to make the picture seem as one. Hope I explaines well enough! ^^;

I used:
Photoshop 7
Genius Tablet
25 hours
Image size
662x885px 141.83 KB
© 2005 - 2025 CherryJam
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YuMiB3at's avatar
You draw an awesome Gaara! :icongaaraplz: