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Rizzrack - Timberthaw



DrySockett and I just submitted our Timbersaw set for Iceiceice to the Steam Workshop!  This is definitely my favorite set of ours so far, probably because working with Rizzrack’s character was a welcome change from lots of serious characters and I love working on crazy.

Here’s a link to the Steam Workshop, votes and favorites are always super appreciated!…

"There’s nothing out there but Ice" they said. He knew better. What fools! There are trees in the north. Oooooooh such trees. Weird trees, trees that are green all year round, trees with needles instead of leaves, trees he’s never seen; they terrify him beyond imagining. Driving his machine north, Rizzrack had to adapt or freeze. He replaced wood with solid ice, cobbled together a stove and used wood torn from his own infernal machine to power his march. The arbor of the great northern trees lies ahead, taunting him. How dare they stand there like that?! Battling insanity, he fires up his saw, and gets to work.

He won’t be lichen it one bit.

Comes with custom particles for the Chakram and saw blade!

Image size
1300x650px 1.44 MB
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Hi i used your art in my thumbmial hope you don't mind, Great work by the way! Thank you in advance!