Glee - Hey Kurtchelcifer on DeviantArt

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chelcifer's avatar

Glee - Hey Kurt



The Glee bug has bitten me hard. I am somewhat ashamed of myself.

My favorite character is quickly becoming Dave Karofsky, for no other reason than the fact I cannot stop picturing him as the spiritual reincarnation of Helga G. Pataki. As he has earned my love, he has also earned my blatant mockery. His storyline isn't portrayed humorously, but during his awkward creeper moments, I'm convinced there's a rather elaborate soliloquy going through his head. Intellectually, I know the poor kid is equal parts not ready to deal with all this gay stuff and terrified he's going to get found out. I just find it more awesome with pink bows. My head canon is a sad, strange place, run rampant with tsundere disease.

Some notes:
- Dave has affixed a photo of Kurt to the bride's face with sticky tape. It makes it easier to wax poetically to.

- It has been pointed out that "The Fury" is actually is his other fist. We can fix this by naming his left fist "The Fury 2," with some sort of sequel addendum. I personally like "The Fury 2: The Reckoning."

- Dave can totally get away with wearing that because it's the new sports uniform. Clearly, McKinley knows how to dress it's badasses. If only they could make the unibrow mandatory...

My apologies to the collective cast and crew of both Hey Arnold and Glee, particularly Max Adler.
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650x2737px 1.63 MB
© 2011 - 2025 chelcifer
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Plori's avatar
He deserved it