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Chef-of-KH's avatar

07/21/2015: Plan 'Suite', Codename 'Mod'



| Wallpaper | Icons (Explorer) | Visualization (Rainmeter |
| everything else is either completely made by me or a very strong modification |

Again a screenshot from my desk (see information above for parts of this screenshot that kept unmodified). But I want to share this screenshot to you because of the LiteStep skin you can see there. I'd like to now if I should release it some time and/or if you have suggestions I could implement into this skin. Maybe I'll make this LiteStep skin a part of a suit that also contains Rainmeter skins, a RocketDock skin, a Launchy skin and maybe even a Visual Style for Windows 8.1 (or more likely for Windows 10).

Current features:

Top bar:
Bullet; Yellow The 'Starter' button launches the Windows start menu → Could be a custom start menu (coded in C# and WPF)
Bullet; Green The text next to it displays the currently active window's title
Bullet; Yellow The clock in the middle launches Windows' time and date settings → Could be a custom time and date window (also coded in C# and WPF)
Bullet; Green The icons on the right launch system tools (Explorer, control panel, task manager, CMD, volume mixer and the shutdown window you can see in the screenshot (coded in C# and WPF))
Bullet; Green The user name label toggles the system tray icons (they apper at the position of the other icons)

Bottom bar:
Bullet; Green Only the tasks of the current screen are shown (tasks on the 2nd screen will be shown on the taskbar on the 2nd screen)
Bullet; Green The buttons on the right do typical window actions (minimize all, cascade, tile)

Plans from me:
Bullet; Blue There could be a quick launch area
Bullet; Blue There could be music player controls

So, if you have any suggestions, just let me know.
Image size
1920x1080px 1.7 MB
© 2015 - 2024 Chef-of-KH
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cathycatchy's avatar
nice one :)
what icons are those on top right corner?