ChazKemp's avatar


Illustrator. Digital Nouveau.
149 Watchers87 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Digital Art
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (41)
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

I worship at the altar of the great Alphonse Mucha. I consider myself an Art Nouveau artist with a particular enjoyment of Steampunk and Fantasy.

Current Residence: Denvahhh, Colorado
Favourite genre of music: Celtic
Favourite style of art: Art Nouveau all the way!
Operating System: PC baby!
MP3 player of choice: I Tunes
Shell of choice: Turtle shell?
Wallpaper of choice: Usually whatever deviation I'm working on at the time.
Favourite cartoon character: I have to go with the Flash
Personal Quote: 10% of life is what happens to you, the other 90% is what you choose to do about it.

Favourite Visual Artist
Alphonse Mucha
Favourite Movies
5th Element, King Arthur & Sherlock Holmes
Favourite TV Shows
Camelot, Glee, Castle & Robin of Sherwood
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sting, Level 42 & Pandora Celtica
Favourite Books
The Harry Dresdan series
Favourite Writers
JK Rowling, Jim Butcher and Anne Bishop
Favourite Games
Munchkin and City of Heroes
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
CorelDraw & my PC
Other Interests
Playing music with my band Pandora Celtica and hanging out with my girlfriend Nessa
Over the last few years I've been super busy with book covers, magazine covers, personal commissions,convention posters, etc.  I'm currently in the midst of transitioning from doing art for others to doing art for me and my fans.  If you'd like to see what I'm up to... Visit my Patreon to see my current work
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I have a blog!

0 min read
'Allo all!First off - let me say Happy New Year to ya!  2011 is going to be amazing to be sure!I have a new blog:  & I'm hoping that you guys will stop by and have a look at it.  If you're feeling slightly more daring - maybe you'll want to comment and offer your own insights, revelations and adventures.  I'd absolutely LOVE to hear from you!I want to thank everyone for offering words of encouragement, for commenting on my art and for being such amazing artists yourselves!  Have an awesome night and we'll chat again soon!- Chaz
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Well this past month was super busy, which is a great thing.  I finished a book cover for a dear friend of mine & a commission for Kobold Quarterly.  I'm hopeful that both things turn into something big for all involved.  :)I hope you guys are all doing well!  I just bought a little MP3 player so that I can finally listen to music of my choosing in my car instead of having to listen to the stoopid radio. (They never play anything good.)  I've also decided to start working out, eating right & taking care of myself again.  This started by getting a big ass king-sized bed that's one of those pillow top, posteurpedic things that won't kill my ...
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Profile Comments 303

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Today is a special day worthy of celebration--because you are a special person worthy of celebration, and it is your birthday.  You in all the universe are a unique product of unique experience that have shaped a unique and compelling perspective. You merit interest and attention; you merit praise.  Your presence in this shared reality makes that reality a better place.  For that, and your brave and generous sharing of the products of your experiences and creativity, I pause to note that I rejoice in you, and wish you a truly HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
May you find this a year of solid accomplishment, of a strong and justified sense of vindication in all that you do.  May you never grow so firm in your convictions that you become immune to reason, may you never grow so flexible that your backbone disappears.  May you face courtesy with courtesy, honesty with honor, and never allow yourself to become soiled by the vileness of a cause or opposition.  Remember what you believe and that for which you are fighting, welcome a repentant brother, be just as implacable as the grimmest foe.  Rejoice in victory, heal from defeat, rise from both to fight with all you have to offer again.  A very happy birthday to you--and may you be ever a Happy Warrior.
Message in a Bottle - lineart by MatejCadil  Also a colored version. Reminds me of your own glorious technique and work.
Thanks for the mention! :thanks:
You two are both stunning artists.