Tutorial: Cosplay MakeupChasseNeige on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chasseneige/art/Tutorial-Cosplay-Makeup-134978478ChasseNeige

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ChasseNeige's avatar

Tutorial: Cosplay Makeup




Sorry it's so long and there's so much writing or if it's a little confusing XD I pretty much put everything I can think of on here~

I thought it'd be better than submitting a dozen of seperate ones >33<

If you have any questions I'll try my best to answer them~

And please, no comments on how I'm doing something "wrong" or something I said is "not the right way" =p I'm not professional in any way, and just thought this might help out fellow cosplayers or anyone who find this interesting enough to check out ^^

Everything's from personal experience =D

Thanks, and hope you like it~!! ;D :heart:

ps: this was very fun to do, so I'll try to take pictures next time when I cosplay so you guys can see it in different steps/stages instead of all on one page/picture ^33^
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toawesome4you's avatar
I know you had a light/white hair one, but do you have any tips for how to do APH Prussia? It's just a bit confusing I guess. And do you know any good brands for someone with achene?