.: Noir :.Charlie-Bowater on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/charlie-bowater/art/Noir-79828039Charlie-Bowater

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Charlie-Bowater's avatar

.: Noir :.



Oh yes, I'm a girl who loves original titles! >__>

Anyway, FINALLY something new! :lol:
Haven't posted a thing since January XD As always, no explanation. I've been working on this on and off the past couple of weeks, few issues here and there but it's ok. =>

Photoshop CS2
Wacom Intuos 3
Image size
600x849px 245.11 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Charlie-Bowater
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Shefali13's avatar
The most favorite this work! Such a calm and pleasant. And more comfortable for me)