Scroll in the Literati Style (Color)CharlesWayneRobinson on DeviantArt

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Scroll in the Literati Style (Color)



College project using CC3+ and Photoshop tools.  This is a Liiterati style Asian Hanging scroll.  It is characterized by the simple design, black and white image, love of natural things, open spaces, perspective with the upper images being farther away, calligraphy, symbolism, and family stamps in red.  This is a color version.  The big block of black text is in Chinese (Modern Characters) but the red symbols and the two other scripts are Japanese.  These are notes and family symbols that were normally added by viewers of the work of art.  As such, it shows the influence that Chinese art had on Japanese culture as it spread from China to Japan.
Image size
3000x6000px 14.35 MB
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