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My dog Jacky



Life story of my dead Dog.

Jacky, a male foxterrier, was a very good Agility dog, a real diamond. I was training with him each day. When I was lay the frisbee on a bough of a tree, he climbing very fast on the tree to get it. He could jumping higher than 2 meters, himself he was only 40cm tall.
Also he was very smart, I have had 4 balls, one green, red, yellow and an blue one.
When I have had said to him bring me the green ball then he was bringing it.
Jacky was finished to go on tournaments and show his big talent.

On one day in spring-time my father let him out of the house, unfortunately he have had forgotten him outside. Jacky was going to the forest in the near of my house and then the Drama took his run. A Hunter was shooting him with a gun and my little Dog was death. That was a really big Drama for me, since this day I really hate the most of the Hunters, and I wish them much bad luck.

Sometimes I wish my dog could come back to me, but unfortunately that is impossible.

This amazing picture is from :iconneraneraya: . Thank you so much! :heart:
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wolfguardian24's avatar
very sorry to hear about your dog. i had the same situation.
my white German Shepard pepsi got shot. and my golden retriever crossed with a German Shepard buffy got shot too
it felt so sad. :_(