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Chalk Art - Cause an Uproar



Over the weekend I participated in a chalk walk art event at Hyde Park Village in Tampa Fl

In all my work I try to promote conservation of natural habitats so I used the National Geographic "Cause and Uproar" as my theme.…

Inspiration from a photograph by Chris John of National Geographic.… I've loved his photography ever since I was little. Its inspired me to start doing some of my own.

This was my first chalk walk art event and I must say it wont be my last. I had so much fun over the weekend and met some really great and extraordinary artists! Cant wait to do it again next year. This won an honorable mention award in the small category 5x5.

Where do I get my Chalk? Read the Chalk and Soft Pastel Guide

Other Chalk Art Stuffs by me!
Dear Bird Chalk Art OverView by charfade Chalk Art Spring Orchid finishing by charfade Chalk Art Jungle Lion Cub by charfade Side View Bald Eagle by charfade Chalk Art - St Patricks Clover by charfade

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Image size
683x950px 595.59 KB
© 2011 - 2024 charfade
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EmbracingTheAmazing's avatar
Beautiful!! Love the colors... Stunning!