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ChaoticNyxus's avatar

Spewing Toxic Gas



I'm so bad with titles...

It's been a very long time since I've posted anything here and I apologize for that. When depression and a drop in motivation hits, it hits really hard. I went to FWA this year. It was the first furry convention I've ever gone to and don't regret it one bit. A big thanks to all the artists there that were able to motivate me into actually wanting to do art again. Another visit to FWA is definitely in the future.

So, on to this piece. No idea what it is, so we'll call it a dragon...thing XD Paint Tool SAI is something that I've never really used much, so it was very confusing and difficult to work with and figure things out. After messing around a bit I finally just said screw it and messed with everything. A big thanks to :iconbrandimuffin: 's SAI brush settings to get a blending effect. It helped a lot with a softer look that I wanted to try. I'll definitely want feedback if anyone is willing to give, but please be gentle and polite. It took a lot of convincing myself to get this posted. Not sure when the next post will be but we'll see! :meow:
Image size
810x881px 280.91 KB
© 2016 - 2024 ChaoticNyxus
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Aunumwolf42's avatar
I've been neglecting deviantart lately in place of furaffinity, So i'm so sorry I missed this! But this looks awesome! Such a cool creature and the toxic lighting you created just makes it look even more badass! :D Definitely do more! Please please please! :heart: