chaosringen on DeviantArt

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chaosringen's avatar




This is actually done for a client based on his character sprite. but he just find reasons to delay the payment and run away. His name is Jonard Allen Soriano ,

If you see this artwork being used in any game, please let me know. Also, don't bother to work for that guy < > or you get your payment hanged for 2 months before he leaves you forever. 

Photo-bashed background for fun.

EDIT: Some people asked me about photobashing background.

Photobashing is the the technique used in concept art. It is to use photos as a base then paint on top, mix them up to quickly give texture/ realism/ details to the artwork.

The client didn't ask for a background, I just made it for fun so I didn't spend a lot of time 'painting' it.
Image size
809x1000px 383.79 KB
© 2015 - 2024 chaosringen
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