Happy Holidays LoEchainchomp7 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chainchomp7/art/Happy-Holidays-LoE-503979444chainchomp7

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Happy Holidays LoE



A Holiday themed drawing with a bunch of Legends of Equestria Members and Moderators~

Happy Holidays indeed! Whew! Finally finished this huge drawing just in time before it's the New Year! (Well for me, since at the time I posted this, there's roughly 7 more hours until 2015)

Hopefully whoever I've included or anyone else viewing this enjoys all the brimming details that await. This was a lot of fun to do. And thank you guys at LoE for being a great community! Especially the moderators and staff of course for working on this game. You guys are working hard on its completion! Hopefully you're having a great holiday season and onward towards the sparkly new year of 2015~

I've got quite a lot of mentions to do. Makes it easier to check out who's been included in the image. Please enjoy!

1-v-1 side:
CGEye :iconcgeyeguy:
CrabApple :iconwingedwolf94:
Sweet Brew

8-Player Smash side:
LoE Smash Roster
Button :iconponkee: {LoE Mod/Tech Writer}
Tekner :icontekner: {LoE Moderator}
StarSong :iconcupcakethemasked:
Dawn Mare & Torch [Shadow Mare]
Jenzy :iconchainchomp7: [me!]
Ethereal :iconabyssseraphic:

Christmas Tree/Spectators:
Itty Bit :iconittybitt:
Zappy [Teal Turken]
Conduire Rift [String Theory] {LoE Moderator}
Darcy :iconlaptopbrony: {LoE Moderator}

Other appearances:
Quest :iconsakurafly101:
Radiovid :iconradiovid:
Mizuki :iconmizutakishima: {LoE Moderator}
Perry The Pony amiibo {LoE Moderator}
Durpy :icondurpy337: {LoE Sound Effects}
Electro-BLITZ :iconelectro-blitz: {LoE Voice Actor}
OCBaker :iconocbaker: {LoE Programmer}

Night Shine :iconzhivk000:
Vesperal Veil :iconvesperalveil:
Physics Shift [the dark gods]

Right Poster:
Jade Mask :iconhitswinton:
Darktide :icontheavantiaseries:
Engineer Machine [Haned tom.]
Sea Foam :iconseafoamthepony:
Trick Star [Legulus]
Ice [FlameandIce]
Sweet Hoof :iconchibigrrlpony:

Time Spent: Many hours over 10 Days
Drawn in: FireAlpaca [55 Layers]
Wii U, amiibo, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. © Nintendo
Jenzy and Art made by me :iconchainchomp7:
Image size
3840x2160px 7.83 MB
© 2015 - 2025 chainchomp7
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Hitswinton's avatar
Thanks for add me :3 even if just on a poster