Mane Stallions: What My Cutie Mark Is Telling MeChainChomp2 on DeviantArt

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Mane Stallions: What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me



And then Shining Armor became a pretty alicorn princess*!

Probably my most ambitious project to date.

Before I begin, I should credit this comic by :iconatomic-chinchilla:Atomic-Chinchilla and :iconmidnight-cobra:Midnight-Cobra in helping me get the idea of doing this.

Featured are the same stallions (minus Snowflake for Thunderlane), which as noted in the comments from people and confirmed by the artists, were chosen for their relations to each of the mane six. In this case, Thunderlane was chosen on the same bounds that Snowflake was chosen for the comic, which was mostly just for appearing in a Fluttershy episode. I personally chose Thunderlane because I thought beforehand that Snowflake's design and build was probably going to be too large for a composition like this, the other reason being me having a soft spot for the former. Later, I figured that it would throw the colors off-balance as three of the six stallions would have a pure white coat. This is also why the background for Fancypants' cutie mark is blue from his hair rather than white like Shining Armor or dark gray from his suit like Thunderlane.

Unlike my version with the fan-favorites that make up the "fan six", each vector was made standalone from various available shots, with few parts done either from scratch or based on other shots of characters with similar designs and builds (mostly referring to Soarin', his goggles, and shirt; in the two appearances he's made on the show, he never faces the camera once. Thus, much of his design came from Thunderlane's, who had a better turnout in references.). As such, I've also made the individual vectors available separately (link toward the bottom), since each is originally a full body shot by itself and then posed accordingly before having them cut in half (or rather, due to the stallions having narrower eyes when facing the camera head-on less than half was ultimately cut off) like the mane six in the original song, rather than each being half-vectored for this picture.

If you've read or seen any fan work of :iconsoarinplz:, chances are the creator shipped him with :iconrdplz:, more commonly after appearing together at the end of "A Canterlot Wedding".
:iconmlpfancypantsplz: is seen with :iconrarityplz: at the end of the Season 2 finale like above. He is also a major supporting character in one of her episodes.
:iconpinkiepieplz: lives with and works for Mr. and Mrs. Cake at Sugarcube Corner.
:iconthunderlaneplz: and :iconmlproidrageplz: were both introduced in "Hurricane Fluttershy" (and later appeared at the Wonderbolts Academy).
:iconbigmacintoshplz: is :iconapplejackplz:'s older brother.
:iconshiningarmorplz: is :iconhappytwilightplz:'s older brother.


Big Mac cutie mark by :iconthe-smiling-pony:The-Smiling-Pony
Mr. Cake cutie mark by :iconthe-smiling-pony:The-Smiling-Pony
Fancy Pants cutie mark by :iconthe-smiling-pony:The-Smiling-Pony
Shining Armor cutie mark by :iconhawk9mm:Hawk9mm


Possible lyrics:…


Derpibooru post


Time: 41 hours :icontwilighthigirlsplz: across 3 days


Based on the final part of the song "What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me" from the Season 3 Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

1920x1080:Mane Stallions: WMCMITM - 1920x1080 by ChainChomp2

Folder: (Above files and others are found here, please link here if you use any of the vectors or other stuff)

If you post this somewhere else or use it, please link back here not necessarily for me, but in case for someone who wants to find it, especially if it has been updated since (I find vectoring errors from time to time!)

* ~ The joke of 'stallions becoming Princesses' comes from the conception that Alicorns can only be Princesses (and vice versa) in MLP, regardless of gender due to the fact that only female ponies are of Alicorn species in the show.


Princess Big Macintosh
Princess Time Turner
Pretty Princess Shining


:iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz: :iconnoncommercial1plz::iconnoncommercial2plz: :iconnobases1plz::iconnobases2plz:
Image size
12000x6750px 3.54 MB
rimalogo's avatar
i love this pic. the only thing i would change is mr cake was swapped with cheese sandwich and thunderlane switched with big mac cause fluttermac otp and switch thunderlane with caramel. other than that this is perfect. now before you go and say if i want to change it why cant i make one. well cause i can draw on adobe flash as well as fish can walk
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