AlienNinecgaussie on DeviantArt

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cgaussie's avatar




Who here knows about AlienNine? ...manga or anime? Both are pretty out there intense shit.

For those who don't know: Alien Nine is centred around a school where aliens land. I know, wtf kind of school allows children to go to a school where aliens attack. But, they have a defence called The Alien Team where 3 students compile together to battle the aliens. Mostly for study, but for some other known reason not yet told through manga 1, or the show's duration of 6 episodes. The three girls are something all right, there's the one that's always in charge, the bright girl, and the average cry baby.

I put Keroro, Giroro and (then)Zeroro as the girls since it seems hilarious that they'd wear alien borgs on their heads. That's what those things are. They seriously look like their hats.

It really is a good series, you should look into it if you get the chance.
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© 2005 - 2025 cgaussie
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Pirka's avatar
Keroro Gunsou is my favourite anime and Alien Nine is another anime I like (that nobody seems to know about...orz...), so this is awesome! :heart: