Cetriya on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cetriya/art/Buttercup-Lolita-210150751Cetriya

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

June 19, 2011
Full of bright colors and wonderful details, Buttercup Lolita by *Cetriya is the perfect summer drawing.
Featured by Nyiana-sama
Suggested by VelCake
Cetriya's avatar

Buttercup Lolita



2nd EDIT
I've reloaded the file and activated the Print shop! get a lovely summer print to decorate your walls =)

Also have this design as coin purses and purses. Take a look at my shop!

Wow! I got back from work after a 11 hr sift, had 2 exams to take before mid night and was falling a sleep. for some reason, I hadn't checked my DA (or any other messages) for so long that something made me check on it.

I saw all those messages and found out I got a DD!!
strange that DA doesn't send notes, though it doesn't really have too since the spike in all the lovely messages and comments.

Again, Thanks so much! <3
Hope you continue in supporting my work.

*End Edit*

Latest tote bag art!

DA poll "Color most on your wall? (of art work/ posters) " cetriya.deviantart.com/journal…

this has been sitting in my sketch book for months. I didn't forget about it just that its been bugging me on what textures and colors to use. Then I found a scheme that I liked (link excapes me) and thats when I decided to finish it up!

You can order a tote or pencil case on my online shops:
webshop: decisiveorigin.storenvy.com/
Image size
2850x1950px 2.04 MB
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