Ezra's Shining MismagiusCeruleanSunshine on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ceruleansunshine/art/Ezra-s-Shining-Mismagius-688562335CeruleanSunshine

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Ezra's Shining Mismagius



After making the lineless Pumpkaboo image, I thought my Mismagius drawing deserved another look! And maybe a little tweaking, lol
I honestly like it a little better now! :dummy:

Puck loves scaring the bejeezus out of people. In the lighter themed rooms at the beginning of Ezra's gym, he'll jump out of nowhere and give trainers a jolt before giggling and vanishing. But in the darker rooms further in, he's responsible for disembodied voices and shrieking right in a trainer's ear. He absolutely loves his job!

Scenery in this image is (very) loosely based on the game Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion •u•
Image size
3273x2067px 6.74 MB
© 2017 - 2024 CeruleanSunshine
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BubonicDoctor's avatar
AaaaaahhhhhHHHHHHH THIS IS SO PRETTTY AND ADORABLE OH MY GOODNESS!!! ;;v;; :heart: I love the textures in this and how clean it is!! :heart: