Ceru-Blues on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ceru-blues/art/What-Is-A-Blightling-931664361Ceru-Blues

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What Is A Blightling



Blightlings are small fey creatures that, unlike Beanlings, are born from a curse. 
Each Blightling has a core of corruption that fuels their magic. it can be seen through a window on their body, as well as in their ears! 
Each Blightling has a seal on the end of their curse tag that keeps the magic of their curse in check. It usually matches the shape of their core window. 
Blightlings are the seed of a curse, and when it is fulfilled or broken, they will spout into a Witherling!

Blightling Traits Sheet

Blightling Mutation Sheet

Blightlings / Witherlings are a closed species created and owned by Ceru-Blues - Please do not make your own without permission!
Image size
1571x2000px 2.8 MB
© 2022 - 2024 Ceru-Blues
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