Zatanna II by LexiKimblecerebus873 on DeviantArt

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Zatanna II by LexiKimble



Art by :iconlexikimble:  My commission, sharing with her permission.

Here it is in her profile (if you like it, please go and leave a comment!)
25 Dollar Bust Commission - Zatanna II by LexiKimble 

The last of my bust commissions from LexiKimble

I'm so glad that I did a few commissions from her.  I've had a few things out, but I didn't have anything that was going to come back soon.  And it'd been awhile since I'd commissioned something new, and I was in sort of a funk.  These helped shake that off, and got me to kick off a commission that I'd been wanting to send off for months.  Still have a few more things I need to work out and figure out.  Going to try to get 2-3 more commissions out this weekend.

But a new commission out, some commissions that I was waiting my place in queue are now coming around to me.  And, I got three awesome commissions from LexiKimble  This has really improved my mood.  And I've been a bit busy with travel for family, and then with some freelancing work, and then with being burned out a bit.

I have some commissions in play.  I got some writing in lately.  Really helping to improve my mood.

I really like this one too.  Love the little bunny in her hat checking her out.

And I'm digging the black lipstick.

To go along with the Zatanna Busting out, I asked for this one without her jacket, and I think that helps here too.

This picture makes me want to quote Tim Minchin: "Fuck I love Boobs though".  ;-)

Anyway, hope you like it.

On the writing note, at work Windows leaves me frustrated (it's such a horrible tool for connecting to Linux servers, my mac would run rings around it.  Grrr!).  So when I come home, and I don't have loads of freelancing to do, I want to play on my mac, which often leads to more writing.   So if you liked my story, there might be another one, though I'm not sure when.  I think I finally finished the rough draft, and now the hard part of actually turning it into a story via many edits and polishing.  (Takes me a long time.)  After that I might sequel Ultima, or I might write some shorter pieces.  One of my commissions goes along with the story I'm writing. ;-)

I find writing very hard, but that also makes it a bit fun.

And Apple's WWDC makes me want to dust myself off and try to write an OS X or iPhone app (it's been awhile).  But Swift seems like a cool little toy to play with.

Art (c) LexiKimble
Zatanna (c) DC Comics
Image size
960x1200px 552.54 KB
© 2014 - 2025 cerebus873
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