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Thundra by Didi-Esmeralda



Art by :icondidi-esmeralda:  (This is part of my patreon commission from her, and I'm posting with permission!)

Here it is in her profile, GO AND COMMENT THERE!

Thundra by Didi-Esmeralda

This is part of my 2015 Birthday Commissioning Extravaganza!  ( I had Didi take two months of my patreon commission, and send them to me today!)

I took a bunch of characters I really liked as a kid, and commissioned them.

This is Thundra a friend/enemy of the Fantastic Four.  She started out as an Enemy, and quickly became a friend. She's one of the first strong female characters I encountered, so naturally I loved her immediately. She's part of why I like characters like this!

She was ALWAYS kick ass, and capable of going toe-to-toe with anyone, and often fought the thing.  One of my favorite stretches of comics is the Project pegasus saga in Marvel-Two-In-One, and Issue 56 where she's punching the Thing off the cover is one of my favorite covers.  Ever.  (google it, i love it!)

So when I was thinking of characters I wanted to commission, she floated to the top.

I'm not sure I have the words.  Because.  OMG.  This is awesome.  Just fantastic.  I love it. <3 <3 <3.

The little Ted inside me?  He's jumping up and down and running around.  I can't stop smiling when I look at this. ;-)  This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I wanted for my birthday, and look, here it is!

Look at dem abs!  Woot!  I love her hair.  Sheesh. (I love just about everything about this image.)  Dem biceps!

I'll probably come back to this and add some more exclamations!  I love it. 

Didi's awesome, and I recommend her!  Please commission her and you'll get some great art too!

Support her patreon, every little bit counts.  Also, she's posting a LOT more art since her patreon!  So it's REALLY WORKING! Even $1 REALLY HELPS.


Here's a link to her commission info:

Commission Open Prices are in USDSupport my work on Patreon
.:Bullet:. Patreon https://www.patreon.com/DidiEsmeralda.:Bullet:. Patreon 

Commissions prices:
Prices are in USD
Bullet; Green Digital only 
one character
with SAI  Photoshop
$40 Full Color, no bg
$50 Full color, bg
Bullet; GreenAdditional Characters 
add +$20 for additional characters
Bullet; GreenOrdering
Send me a note with the Subject Commission with this form : 
*Payment method:
*Comission type: {full Color/ no bg , for example}
*Character Description: {References}
Bullet; GreenPaypal
Bullet; GreenPara Cplombia Depósitos bancarios Bancolombia
Contact me through DA note if you want a commish please

Here's the folder of things I've commissioned from her.  cerebus873.deviantart.com/gall…

Also you might notice my DA avatar is from something she drew! Didi is just wonderful. ;-)

Art (c) Didi-Esmeralda
Thundra (c) Marvel Comics
Image size
2480x3508px 1.95 MB
© 2015 - 2024 cerebus873
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