Painted Dream Info + Layout
A Dream within a Dream (via painting hanging in the Hunter’s Workshop within the Hunter’s Dream), painted into existence to act as a sanctuary for both Nammu & her progeny. Forever exists in a sort of twilight, illuminated by a Paleblood moon (sets & rises), & shrouded in fog (potentially sentient), composed of ice crystals & strange particles. The silver-barked mangrove tree called the Elder Mangrove tree (19,845 ft 6.61 in), which lies in the center of an extensive mangrove forest, that is in turn surrounded by a massive barrier reef (Mangrove atoll). This root system has & will continue to spawn new mangrove trees (16,562 ft) as it continues to expand.
Security Measures
The Painted Dream can only be easily accessed by authorized persons (i.e: Nammu or the Plain Doll) through the painting located in the basement of the Hunter’ Workshop in the Hunter’s Dream. Any attempt by unauthorized people will result in being permanently