Cerberus-Chaos's avatar


3-Headed Hellhound; NOT STAFF!!!
381 Watchers27 Deviations



Halloween Mimic

Sub-species: Jack-o’-lantern variant, Candy variant, Black cat variant, Costume variant, pretty much anything Halloween themed Description: Form can vary depending on environment & preferred prey. Biology: Amorphous with a central core. Diet: Omnivorous Average Height: Varies Average Weight: Varies Lifespan: Centuries as long core is not destroyed or damaged. Reproduction: Fission Culture: N/A Politics: N/A Religion: N/A Settlements: Solitary Military: N/A Technology: N/A Conflicts: Territorial Traditions: N/A


27 deviations
Scuba Lisa


6 deviations


2 deviations

Halloween Mimic

Sub-species: Jack-o’-lantern variant, Candy variant, Black cat variant, Costume variant, pretty much anything Halloween themed Description: Form can vary depending on environment & preferred prey. Biology: Amorphous with a central core. Diet: Omnivorous Average Height: Varies Average Weight: Varies Lifespan: Centuries as long core is not destroyed or damaged. Reproduction: Fission Culture: N/A Politics: N/A Religion: N/A Settlements: Solitary Military: N/A Technology: N/A Conflicts: Territorial Traditions: N/A

Aliens + Fantasy Species

2 deviations

Painted Dream Info + Layout

Overview A Dream within a Dream (via painting hanging in the Hunter’s Workshop within the Hunter’s Dream), painted into existence to act as a sanctuary for both Nammu & her progeny. Forever exists in a sort of twilight, illuminated by a Paleblood moon (sets & rises), & shrouded in fog (potentially sentient), composed of ice crystals & strange particles. The silver-barked mangrove tree called the Elder Mangrove tree (19,845 ft 6.61 in), which lies in the center of an extensive mangrove forest, that is in turn surrounded by a massive barrier reef (Mangrove atoll). This root system has & will continue to spawn new mangrove trees (16,562 ft) as it continues to expand. —————————————————————————————————————————— Security Measures The Painted Dream can only be easily accessed by authorized persons (i.e: Nammu or the Plain Doll) through the painting located in the basement of the Hunter’ Workshop in the Hunter’s Dream. Any attempt by unauthorized people will result in being permanently

Location Info for Stories

1 deviation

May the 4th Be With You

1 deviation

Spike the Urchin

Name: Spike Nickname(s): ‘Prickly Grump’ Species: Purple Sea Urchin Gender: Male Height: 1.6 inches Weight: 1 pound Homeworld/plane: Earth Nationality: Australian Family: Sea urchins Alignment: Neutral Sexual Preference: N/A Occupation: Janitor Hobbies: Watching Seahorse racing Personality: Grumpy and crotchety. History: To be determined. Likes: His job, being left alone. Dislikes: Brats, being stepped on. Goal or Purpose: Keep the coral reef clean. Powers/Abilities: Sea urchin physiology. Fighting Specs: He’s got poisonous spines. Equipment: N/A Weapon(s): Spines, pedicellariae Weaknesses: Mostly blind. Is small. Fears/Phobias: Being eaten. Appearance: He’s a purple sea urchin. Clothing: N/A Accessories: N/A Extras/WTF?!: N/A

OC References + Extra OC Info

9 deviations
Happy Pride Month

Random Art

6 deviations


Item # SCP-5000 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Must be contained in a windowless room with a single nightstand that must be replaced every few days as the time warping properties of the clock will age it until it is dust. All personnel must dawn protective gear before entering the room. Description: SCP-5000 is a vintage alarm clock of mundane appearance, that’s been set one hour ahead. Many of the buttons have a worn appearance. Any object organic or inorganic placed within the room will instantly start aging in an accelerated state until the snooze button is hit which will cause everything to reset. Addendum [SCP-5000-A]


1 deviation
Bendy adopt

Suggested Art

4 deviations

OC/Character Profile Template

Name: Nickname(s): Species: Gender: Height: Weight: Homeworld/plane: Nationality: Family: Alignment: Sexual Preference: Occupation: Hobbies: Personality: History: Likes: Dislikes: Goal or Purpose: Powers/Abilities: Fighting Specs: Equipment: Weapon(s): Weaknesses: Fears/Phobias: Appearance: Clothing: Accessories: Extras/WTF?!:


2 deviations


6 deviations