
OCs Then and Now: The Pedestal of Attention...

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[Official Title: The Pedestal of Attention... if memory is correct]

   Looking at it, this is more of an extension of the last one, Addiction and Procrastination. Why? Well it's one of the reasons for this side of the.... what's the best way to put it other than attention... selecting? Showcasing? Idk for sure. What I DO know and that many other people know is that I hold certain characters above others, which isn't always a good thing. Doesn't help that I have 300+ characters, and a LOT of them don't get the same spotlight as they use to or.... ever had.

    So, what's the reason for this? Well, it's simple, favortism (GOING ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINNING BOYS!!!). It's the main explanation of all the writings on my OCs Then and Now, and sharing my little journey. Though there are somedays where attention is given to characters on a whim, sometimes it's because I'm working on a character's backstory or refining it, sometimes it's because I just remembered or used that character in a recent lit or RP, sometimes it's because I got a comment from later on of someone really liking the character and gave me some ideas to commission other, or sometimes it's the fact that I'm in a certain mood.

    Many factors play into this and often that drives what I commission from others and if this is sounding familiar to you somehow, my bad, my memory isn't what it use to be... at least, that's what it feels like. At some point I most likely forget about one thing and go to another, it's getting a bit more common as time moves forward. Forgetfulness, putting things off due to time and schedule, etc and etc. This might be even worse with some dose of procrastination, but right now, it just doesn't help that-i forgot where this is going (I'm typing this during class btw, DON'T TELL THE TEACHER!). ...AH! It doesn't help that I keep getting off track mentally with everything going on. 

    If people want characters to be showcased more, I'm honestly going to say to them to look in my Character gallery and select the ones you think deserve more attention. That's the best way to make sure honestly, helps if you know me on Skype or Discord too! :dummy: And I should honestly look into commission more pics of my other characters, since...well 365 is on the way and I bet some people have their favorites. 

    Year Epilogue: This was a interesting little writing piece I decided to do, and I'm quite happy I did it. This was made as a way to get inside my head, and kind of see how i've changed &/or see how I create my characters currently. I do hope those goals were accomplished as I honestly just jotted down my feelings as time went on. As the goal of 365 characters approached the finish line, I'm glad I got this out! There is a hiatus of new characters for right now, but I hope to release them again, leading up to the big 365. Thank you to all the watchers, both old and new; thank you to all the friends I've made; and thank you to all the commenters, while few and far between, they give me the most motivation, knowing that someone took their time out of their day to write down a comment on one of my pieces of content! :)

    Will I continue this series? Maybe, don't know for sure though. I feel like the points got across and hopefully people better understand me as a result. I'll try to showcase (not promise, because I'd rather not promise something I may forget about) more of my characters in the future, including the one the public likes the most! Here's to the new year, a new beginning, and new characters (hopefully) you people will enjoy! :)
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