Aradiacemac on DeviantArt

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© Coral McBride --- Do not alter or use without my permission.

Aradia, Queen of all Witches; daughter of the god of light and the moon goddess Diana, who came to Earth to free people from slavery and teach them the mystical and healing arts.

I am Aradia,
daughter of the sea
and daughter of the wind;
daughter of the Sun,
and daughter of the Moon;
daughter of dawn,
and daughter of sunset;
daughter of night,
and daughter of the mountains.
From: Wicca, by Vivianne Crowley

Briefly, the Wiccan tools shown are the Athame, a ritual knife, which symbolises making choices, the candle which symbolises the light, the chalice represents yin, energy of water and the pentacle represents the unity of the world. The crystal sphere represents the world she has come to free and to teach.

This is number six in my goddess and witch series.

Thank you to the talented and very generous stock artists listed below:


:iconmizzd-stock: [link]

Crystal ball 2 stock by counttime, now deactivated.


:iconbrokenwing3dstock: [link]

Plants and foliage:

:iconwammyp: [link][link][link]


:iconlinzee777: [link]

Glass Chalice:

:iconfalln-stock: [link]

Sword and pentagram:

:iconnarghaash-stock: [link]


:iconnathie: [link][link]:icontigg-stock: [link] :iconbreedstock: [link]
:iconresurgere: [link]:icondella-stock: [link] :iconcloaks: [link]


:icondyingbeautystock: [link]

Photoshop brushes:

:iconmidnightstouch: [link] :iconbextcstock: [link]

Free brushes from the Internet.

I give permission to the clubs and groups I am a member of, to display my artwork.
Image size
960x1440px 494.18 KB
© 2010 - 2025 cemac
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Slofkosky's avatar

I really like your goddess imagery very much.  Great work!