The Lost PrinceCelticStrm on DeviantArt

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CelticStrm's avatar

The Lost Prince



All listed Stock Providers are more than welcome to a copy of my work as a thank you for allowing us to use their stock. This artwork is being used in the creation of tutorial called "How to Credit Your Stock Providers" which can be found on my stock account =CelticStrm-Stock

Yes, I know the dA watermark affects the quality of the picture, but I am sick and tired of people taking my art and doing whatever they want with it, copyright be damned.

:star: Stock Credits:

Foreground Model: ~jasonaaronbaca [link]

Background Model: =FairieGoodMother [link]

Castle: ~senzostock [link]

Forest: [link]

Candle: !Imaginaworld-stock [link]
Image size
6000x4800px 1.09 MB
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FairieGoodMother's avatar
Beautiful work. I would love to have a copy for my keepsake book. could you please send me one:glomp: my email is Thanks for using my stock:heart: