Certified Stock by CelticStrm-StockCelticStrm-Stock on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/celticstrm-stock/art/Certified-Stock-by-CelticStrm-Stock-345387347CelticStrm-Stock

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CelticStrm-Stock's avatar

Certified Stock by CelticStrm-Stock



I think this stamp says it all. I am making a commitment to provide safe and legitimate stock resources for the :devart: community. You will never find celebrity or google images in my gallery. I pledge to adhere to all dA terms and guidelines regarding stock images.

If you are a stock provider that feels the same, feel free to post the thumb on your profile, in stock rules, or in the artists comments. Just let me know that you've used it. (You don't have to notify me more than once if you intend to place it in your artists comments.)

We at :iconthe-stock-directory: have created a sister group for verified safe stock resources providers called:


This stamp was made entirely on photoshop using paint, gradient, and text tools. I made it as an add-on for my updated stock terms of use.

For more information about :devart: stock guidelines, please visit:

FAQ #792: As a stock art resource provider, how can I be of help in regards of stock art resource usage in prints?

FAQ #752: If my print contains an image that isn't mine, can I still use it for print?

FAQ #809: What are deviantART's stock image guidelines?

FAQ #217: What are "Stock and Resources" and can I use them in my submissions?

FAQ #306: Does "Crediting" let me use whatever I want?

FAQ #257: What sort of permission do I need to use someone else's work?

FAQ #193: How do I prove that I had permission to use someone's work?

FAQ #193: How do I prove that I had permission to use someone's work?
Image size
100x50px 9.08 KB
© 2012 - 2025 CelticStrm-Stock
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Arts-of-Cendrayliss's avatar
Thank you to share it Tinytinyblack (f2u)