CelticStrm-Stock has limited the viewing of this artwork to members of the DeviantArt community only.
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CelticStrm-Stock's avatar

Blue Texture Stock



Made with basic Adobe Photoshop brushes and Blurs for background texture layers. Due to recent abuses of my stock, all my stock will be premium content for a while. If you are one of my regular users or follow the guidelines and want this stock, let me know. I will send you a link for the free download or refund you the points after you notify me of use.

Semi-Unrestricted Stock

:bulletgreen: You must Credit my stock and link it back to me.

:bulletgreen: You may use this stock for commercial projects including book covers, :devart: prints, magazines, or other published art. (If you use it for a book cover, magazine and so on let me know where! I may go out and buy it! :D )

:bulletgreen: You may use this stock to create pre-made backgrounds.

:bulletgreen: You may use this off-site. Just give me a link to where it was used.

:bulletred: You may not redistribute this stock as-is and claim it as your own. That is stock theft.

:bulletred: You must significantly alter this stock to call it a pre-made background. Changing the hue, saturation, and/or simple filters does not count!

:bulletred: Do NOT use this stock with celebrity or copyrighted images!!!! Celebrity images are not stock and GOOGLE is NOT a valid stock resource!!!!!!

I am also :iconcelticstrm:
Image size
2100x1500px 618.49 KB
© 2011 - 2025 CelticStrm-Stock
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