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Shortcut to Winsome Falls



This picture from Season 7 will now be the part of the episode, Spike Goes to Camp where Sweetie Belle recognized the underground river that happens to be the shortcut to Winsome Falls that she was telling Spike about. Even Apple Bloom & the others remembers seeing it because they havenโ€™t used it since they got away from the Flyders.๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿด๐Ÿชฝ๐Ÿ•๏ธโœจ๐ŸŒˆ

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ยฉ 2024 celticSAC
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Spike:Do I hear water?

Sweetie Belle:Youโ€™re right, it does sound like water.

Apple Bloom:Yeah & it sounds very familiar.

Silverstream:I can hear it too.

Sandbar:Where thereโ€™s water.

Yona:Thereโ€™s way out

Sweetie Belle:Hey, I know this place.

Apple Bloom:Me too, come on yaโ€™ll.

Spike:Wow, is this the underground river you were talking about, Sweetie Belle?

Sweetie Belle:It sure is, Spike & it takes you straightly to Winsome Falls

Gabby:Wow, what an amazing discovery you & your friends have ever made. Iโ€™ve never seen anything like this before.

Apple Bloom:Yeah, we remember seeing it cause we havenโ€™t used it since we got away from the Flyders.

Gabby:Well look on the bright side, Spike, the others & I did helped you & your sisters get rid of the Flyders & the good thing is Princess Celestia & Princess Luna were able to let the guards know & took them to Tartarus where they wonโ€™t bother anypony & creature ever again.

Smolder:(Laughs)You got that right, Gabby.

Star Tracker:But do you think itโ€™ll really take us to Winsome Falls where the others are waiting?

Flash Sentry:Only one way to find out.

Silverstream:Well, what are we waiting for? letโ€™s not keep my family & our friends waiting.

Spike:Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom & I will go first, One, Twoโ€ฆ

Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom:Three!

(Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom jumps in the river than Spike jumps in while Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Gabby, Star Tracker, Flash Sentry, Sandbar, Yona, Silverstream & Smolder jumps in too)