{Special} Stelle Inn

11 min read

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★ Stelle Inn★



This feature is now closed and will be moved over to the website!

About the Inn

The main road of the Capital District of New Centuary attracts all kinds of visitors from even the farthest reaches of the Celestial Seas. Every day hundreds, if not thousands of visitors make their way to the city, and a majority of those visitors head down the crowded and bustling hub roads. But for those looking for a more reserved and quaint experience, just off the main road sits a path lined with all assortments of small businesses and odd shops. And, nestled comfortably at the end of this path, is a place called the Stelle Inn, known for it's good food and even better tales. Despite it being so close to such a crowded area, there always appears to be room inside and is never so packed that one could not get inside.

It only takes a moment to press a hand on the heavy, dark oak door and push it open, a distinct bell chime ringing softly to signal the entry a new arrival.

Behind the inn's counter stands a painted satyr barkeep, his hands working diligently to wipe down the countertops made of the same beautiful, dark wood as the door. He remains quiet even as he glances towards the sound, focusing on the newcomer with a intense stare. His eyes are a striking blue color, and it quickly becomes obvious they are the exact same color as the flames burning in the central hearth of the inn. One might wonder if it is the barkeep himself that keeps the logs aflame, but his cool air of silence wards off any thoughts of questioning. He is known to simply tend to the bar night after night, wordlessly cleaning glasses and serving drinks. The only sign that his focus reaches far beyond is work is when his long ears flick to follow the voices of patrons that may weave a story of adventure or mystery interesting enough to perk his interest.

When mentioned in passing, the Stelle Inn is also known for welcoming those from all walks of life. There is always room by the fire for one to warm themselves from the cold, and a vast numbers of beverages for one to pick and settle for a relaxing moment. And, despite it's mysterious allure, the blue flames in the hearth only give off heat and do not actually burn. Many travelers will also rent out a room for the night with the promise of good food and beds before returning out to adventure and work the next day.

There are also those who stop by the inn with more time to spare - the Stelle Inn is the perfect place to tell fantastical stories of journeys all across the Celestial Seas. Some simply stop by the inn to listen to stories from others, or to tell them themselves. If someone shares a particularly captivating tale, they would find other patrons of the inn may gather around to listen. More generous souls may even toss a few pieces of stargold to whomever is sharing their tale, a nice gesture for those simply looking for anyone who would listen.

Finally, after a moment of silence, the satyr behind the barkeep extends his hand, motioning over to an open seat beside the fireplace where a small group has gathered. Around the flame arcs a beautiful mural, with a long, dragon-like eel inscribed along the bricks and tiles that make up the structure of the hearth. It is easily recognizable as the god of mind who roams the dreamscape to collect stories of all kinds, and it coils as if to claim the flame as its own. If only for a moment, you feel as if its eyes are upon you, waiting for you to make your way over and speak. 

Will you take a seat and tell your story?

★ Story Submissions 

This is where you go to submit roleplay summaries of your Celestial Seas characters.

To submit your story:

Comment below with a written roleplay summary headed by a drawn banner.

You can also submit to the group folder!

★ A Story can be submitted once per month! ★

Once a story is submitted, you must wait until the following month to submit another story.
If you submit near the end of the month, you must make sure next month's entry is at least 1 week apart from your previous entry.

★ What is accepted?
✦ Only submissions of roleplay summaries or short stories relating to Celestial Seas will be accepted

✦ Submissions must involve a story between at least two characters.
• One character should be a celestial seas character that belongs to you (browbird, kitbull, or painted satyr)
• At least one other character involved must belong to another user

★ The Written Summary
✦ Should be a written entry of at least 500 words
✦ Should clearly describe the events that took place
✦ You are free to create a regular summary describing what has happened, OR write your summary from the perspective of your character telling it as a story at the inn. 

★ The Drawn Banner
✦ Should be in full color
✦ Can optionally have your story's title
✦ Can be digital or traditional
✦ Does not have to resemble detailed banners done by staff!

✦ Banners should feature at least one of the following:
• A Celestial Seas character featured in the story
• A location described in the story
• An important object or creature featured in the story
The banner drawing can be a small, colored sketch.

✦ You can find the template used for event banners here if you would like to use it. However, you are not required to make your banner this shape/size!

★ Format
✦ Please do not provide us with roleplay logs, your submission should be a newly written summary of what events took place in the roleplay.

✦ Submissions can be one of the following:
• A DA literature submission with your banner as the header
• A DA journal submission with your banner image at the top of the journal
• A DA artwork submission of your banner, with the written portion in the deviation description

★ Dividing Stargold
✦ Please always be sure you have permission to keep all earnings if you choose that option

✦ Stargold can be divided for up to three people, and can only go to those who have a character involved with the story
• 1 User --> 6sg
• 2 Users --> 3sg each
• 3 Users --> 2sg each

★ Guidelines

 What type of stories can I submit?
Stories must follow all group guidelines, and should be PG-13 in content.

You can roleplay in any kind of genre, such as: adventure, drama, action, romance, slice of life, and so on!

Anything submitted to this journal must be "canon", so no AUs or anything not possible in Celestial Seas canon.

You can do private roleplays or make use of the discord roleplay channels. 

If you have any questions about if your idea will be accepted, please ask!

 Can I use prompt/event entries here?
Any content submitted to prompts, events, or raffles cannot be submitted here.

 Can I commission someone to write for me, or draw me a banner?
No work obtained via commission or trade can be submitted here.

✦ Can I submit a story only involving only my characters?
No, sorry! The focus of this journal is for roleplay summaries and character interactions between users. If you are the sole user involved with the story, then it cannot be submitted!

✦ Are only roleplay summaries accepted?
The primary focus of this activity is for roleplay and character interaction, however if you simply are the type to talk out events between your character and another person's character, or like to write stories with your and a friend's character, you can format those into summary stories and submit them as well.

✦ Is submitting roleplay summaries required for the group?
This activity is an optional part of the group and is intended as a small extra reward for those who roleplay with their characters. You do NOT have to submit every roleplay to this journal and making use of this journal is not required to participate in the group.

✦ Can I collaborate with a friend on the summary and banner?
You can collaborate with the user(s) you roleplayed with when creating the final summary and banner image.

✦ Is the once per month limit shared between all users involved with a story?
Nope!  Each user can submit one story for credit each month.
If another user is involved with this story, they are still able to comment for themself with a different story.
The same story cannot be submitted by multiple users.

✦ Can I create a drawn comic summary of the roleplay instead?
At this time we are only accepting written work accompanied by a small drawn banner.

✦ Where can I find people to roleplay with?
If you are looking for characters to interact with, you can check here!

 Can I use community characters?
Not at this time. After this journal has been tested and adjusted, we may open it to community characters.

★ How to Submit 

Comment on this journal with the following form:

Story: provide a link to your story
Characters: link to the masterlist entries of the celestial seas characters involved!
Users: @ you and @ all other users involved with the roleplay/story (at least you and one other user must be listed)
 Earnings: "All for me" if you have permission to keep all earnings or "split the earnings" if you would like us to divide the earnings (up to 3 ways) among those who participated in the roleplay

Submitting a story earns you:

Item 001 Stargold by Browbird
+6 Stargold

★ Comment below to submit your story! 

Please be sure to include all users who worked together on your submission!

About section done by:
twinsphinx bwapple AgentCorrina

© 2020 - 2024 Celestial-Seas
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AgentCorrina's avatar

Now closed! Please refer to the website for future submissions!