Celestial-Rainstorm on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/celestial-rainstorm/art/Heart-of-the-Draconequus-Page-1-608986667Celestial-Rainstorm

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Heart of the Draconequus Page 1



Welp, here is is. I've been working on this comic since September, when I felt I'd lost all my ability to do art. It is FINALLY finished, and I will now be sharing it with you fine people. This story I wrote before Season 5 and 6, so there might be some SLIGHT continuity errors, but I tried to be as respectful of the source material as I can. I've been wanting to do an honest-to-god comic for awhile, and this was a good exercise to allow me to stretch out my muscles again. 

Now, as you will eventually notice, my personal MLP: FiM style will change drastically throughout the comic, though it will stay consistent for about 3/4 of it. It was really a venture to find my own style for this wonderful show and its wonderful characters. The entire thing is traditionally done, with the only digital components being the final cleanup. It will remain in black and white, as I'm still fumbling over Photoshop. 

Now, for some disclaimers: This comic is focused on the struggles of Discord as he tries to find his place in Equestria after his brief betrayal of his friends and the battle with Tirek as his past comes to haunt him. We will discover who he really is, and just how deeply he is connected with the royal family. Fluttershy and Twilight attempt to help him along the way, all the while learning about one another. There is some minor Fluttercord shipping (OTP) but nothing so major it distracts from the comic. There is nothing child-unfriendly in this comic, some minor violence, but that's it. There are only four OCs in this comic, and they all are creations of my own. I will be posting about 9 to 10 pages at a time instead of one, to give a better flow to the story. Please note I do incorporate some of my own headcannon into the story.

It would mean the world to me if you would drop a comment or two, this comic really saved me from giving up art altogether. It is the longest comic I have ever done, and am very proud of it. The following people are big inspirations to me, and I give a lot of thanks to them. 

And there are so many more that if I list them all, this description would be a mile long. You're all so awesome. But now, down to business. Without further ado, I present to you My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Heart of the Draconequus. 

Also, Discord looks like a derp here. 

Previous: This is the first page, silly! 
First: You're here! 
Next: Page 2 

Characters (c) Hasbro, Lauren Faust :iconfyre-flye:
Disarray, Eris, Nova, Galaxias (c) Celestial Rainstorm 

Image size
1680x2184px 902.24 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Celestial-Rainstorm
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