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Ferro Man 2007



Yes, it's time to start rolling out the ALL-NEW pics of the Legion characters. And who, I ask you, is better to kick this off than Ferro Man?

Ferro Man was a character that I created after encountering Ferro Lad at an early age. [link] Yeah, they're almost identical. In fact, the only real difference (beyond color, as I didn't see Ferro Lad's suit in color for awhile) is the chest emblem. This is due to the fact that the artist of LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES at the time drew it wrong. So Ferro Man has a triangular shield, and looks better for it, in my opinion.

Origin-wise, Ferro Man mixed a bit of Ferro Lad with Iron Man. His suit was armor, not just a hero union suit. He also had various retroactive "early versions" or "variations", but they aren't that important except to establish that I loved to give my characters a lot of bad involved continuity.

Ferro Man was the top dog in my superhero universe from his creation until well into the 1980s, when most of my older characters faded away. In many respects, Captain Satellite is an evolved version of Ferro Man.

Though I didn't know it, there was a "Ferro Man". [link] Years later, when DC and Marvel co-published the "Amalgam Comics", they did a version of Colossus who wore a mask because of his scarred face and called himself "Ferro Man". When I saw that name plastered on the cover of an actual comic book, I laughed and laughed.
Image size
600x858px 52.18 KB
HP psc1310
Date Taken
Apr 22, 2007, 11:15:00 PM
© 2007 - 2024 celamowari
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Sarapuu's avatar
I like him. I want to draw him.

too bad my semester has started.

it's called "killing myself with ten credits in 8 weeks."