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Blue Behemoth 2007



Mortimer Kane was the very definition of the word "milquetoast". It didn't matter that he was one of the most brilliant scientists in his field. He was so timid and unassuming that he was constantly ignored and belittled. In fact, the only person he could call a "friend" was his equally socially inept colleague Danny Graham.

Mortimer Kane's life changed forever the day he got caught in his Cellular Rearranger. It affected an irreversible change on Kane, mutating him into a large, blue-haired anthropoid. His intelligence was left intact, but there was a noticeable change in attitude. He became more boisterous, opinionated, and outgoing.

Under government contact, Mortimer Kane created the "Blue Behemoth" identity to fight crime and injustice. His goggles are not just a superhero affectation, as one of the side effects of his transformation is that he is now color blind. The goggles actually help him maintain proper vision.

Kane was soon joined by his friend Graham in the crimefighting game. Later, the two of them assisted Roxanne Prize in creating her own secret identity. Kane harbors a crush on Prize, but so far has been unable to admit it to anyone. It remains to be seen if this uncharacteristic throwback to his old personality will persist.

Blue Behemoth is currently one of the core members of the Invincible Alliance and can frequently be found loitering around its headquarters when not on a mission.

Blue Behemoth was born in the late 1980s, and was originally named "Blue Baboon". He is heavily influenced by the Thing (from Fantastic Four) and the Beast (from X-Men & the Avengers - blue furry version, please). He has actually been remarkably consistent in his existence in my mind over the years.
Image size
850x642px 68.79 KB
HP psc1310
Date Taken
Jun 18, 2007, 12:50:13 PM
© 2007 - 2024 celamowari
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Gunmetalblack's avatar
It's like Cookie Monster hulked out, and is therefore . . ."awesome"