celamowari on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/celamowari/art/Allen-Parish-134-315374598celamowari

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celamowari's avatar

Allen Parish 134



I live out in the sticks, and there was a time not that long ago when many rural roads in Louisiana were unmarked. Someone decided to fix this in the 1980s, and we got "Parish Roads." However, no one seemed to do anything with these designations and eventually they just faded away. It wasn't until the advent of 911 in this area that there was a concerted effort to name roads and assign addresses.

Anyway, the Parish Road signs were removed at some point, but this one got missed somehow. It may be the only Parish Road sign left in the state, though I doubt that. It sits alone and forgotten along the road, its purpose lost in the mists of the past. Well, I remember you, "Allen Parish 134."

If you'd like to see more photos, you can find them in this Facebook album: [link]
Image size
750x563px 226.64 KB
Samsung Techwin
<KENOX S630 / Samsung S630>
Shutter Speed
1/76 second
Focal Length
16 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
May 5, 2008, 8:46:26 PM
© 2012 - 2024 celamowari
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WanderingKotka's avatar
Interesting bit of urban(?) archaeology here--I always forget just how rural Louisiana is. There's something at once peaceful and unsettling about overgrown roadsigns. I guess it's a mix of "ooh, lovely, nature" and "wait, where are the people?"