Cei-Ellem on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cei-ellem/art/Rascal-Blackwitch-125256773Cei-Ellem

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Rascal Blackwitch



Finally finished this *faints*. I think I like the sketch better, but I'm still pleased with the results, especially his tail and ears. Anywho, this was made for Seventh Sanctum's Characters - EXTREME Contest. His name (in the title) comes from the Fantasy Name Extreme Generator. I decided to use the Fangirl Fantasy generator for the description for a change, and this is what I got.

This fox-demon is loyal and devoted. His immaculate hair is gold. His peach-colored eyes sparkle mysteriously. His clothes are fashionable, he has a preference for yellow, and he has a thing for outfits that include lots of belts. He always wears a weird bracelet.

I figure "fashionable" is completely subjective, and what weirder a bracelet could you get than belts (seeing as that was already part of the description)?
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828x1000px 380.89 KB
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zkfanart's avatar
Fascinating! He looks so cool with the furry details (ears and tail) as well the costume, makes him look quite neat ;)