Looking for a 3d architectural artist.

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CDRudd's avatar
Anyone here interested in helping out JeanieBottle.com and other CD Rudd projects?

I'm looking for someone who can create and render buildings, rooms and general outdoor background scenes for the comics.

The workload won't be huge as I recycle a lot of backgrounds, but there are a few projects coming up I'll like to get started on.

Generally, I've been making backgrounds and scenes via a vector picture, but I'll like to see about upping my game for upcoming aspects for the comics.

This is a volunteer position, but there are perks (which I'll discuss with those who are interested).

Those interested must,
  1. Be Creative (able to work with minimal instructions)
  2. Work within a general guideline,
  3. be adaptable.
  4. able to generate images that seamlessly fit into the comic format.
  5. Be willing to take instructions from a busty Catgirl or an orange Pancake cat.

If interested, PM me.

Please have samples if interested.

One of the first tasks will be re-making Haji's Mountain Palace (Ref: jeaniebottle.com/?comic=jeanie…).

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