Commissions are now Open

4 min read

Deviation Actions

CDRudd's avatar
So if you haven't heard, I'm raising funds to get 3 commissions done (Bay, Honey and Jean) by an artist of higher calibre or work then myself. I've been calling this project, Commissions4Commission.

In order to raise the money for these commissions (which will be shared with everyone who contributes), I've opened the door to making commissions of my own.


The base rate for a commission of a single coloured character $25,
Examples of a single coloured character
  Bay's (I'm too sexy) dress by CDRudd Agent A is packing by CDRudd Dirty Pair Flash - Yuri by CDRudd

The base rate for commissions of 2 or more characters, $20 per character
Examples of multiple characters
Jeanie as Go-Go by CDRudd Pixie Ranger SMACK! by CDRudd Three Honeys by CDRudd Pixie Rangers Posing by CDRudd

For comics or other work, you'll need to contact me to discuss rates.
I do reserve to negotiate adjustments on the base price for more complex works (which will be done prior to me accepting the job).

How to ask for a commission

If interested in getting a commission made, you can contact me via Deviantart notes, or PM on Discord, CD Rudd#4978.

Make sure to include what you'll like to have commissioned and any reference links to artwork/pictures for characters (not my own) or OC.

When I agree to do your commission, I will send a link to transfer funds via Paypal. (I'm not accepting DA points)

What kind of commission will I not do?

Generally, my limit is porn or situations I would consider seriously dubious (mostly seriously illegal and/or morally reprehensible things).

If your not sure... ask. I have no problem discussing and generally if there is similar art on my DA page or webcomics, then I'm ok drawing it.

Commission Streams
I will also be doing commission streams. If you'll like to have your commission drawn during the stream, you can request that too.

© 2020 - 2024 CDRudd
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jumppro's avatar

are they still open?