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Deep Sea Mermaid



"I left my pelagic brothers and sisters, seeking the still depths of the black ocean deep. Away from the angry rays of the sun I finally found a calm intense enough to quell my uneasy heart. The wise hermetic fish there were as clear as glass- as if yearning to desolve into the sea water itself. I followed their guidance"

This painting was featured in the magazine ImagineFX #65! [link]

I wanted to see how a human[oid] would look as a transparent deep sea fish type thing. I really like fish head scales, and used those inplace of a skull. I had no idea how I'd go about doing that but I am very happy how this turned out, for once.

This is actually a shapeshifter person from a new storything/idea I'm thinking of.


*passes out*
Image size
700x956px 83.42 KB
© 2008 - 2024 CBSorgeArtworks
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everythingelse07's avatar
This is genius! It looks so real... I feel like I could reach out and touch it!