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Another Membership Donation
Thank you so much to whoever gave me the 3 month core membership - I am touched, and feeling blessed. I am looking forward to 2017 being a better year for me, and hopefully I will be able to return to producing some stuff a bit more often.Thanks again - you know who you are xxxx
To: Anonymous Core Membership Gifter
I have given many Core Membership gifts in the past - but I have now hit hard times and have not been able to maintain my own.Today I received an anonymous gift of one month of core membership - and it has brought me to tears... I actually didn't think anyone on here cared much about me - I have a suspicion who gave it, but whoever you are - I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and an extremely prosperous 2017. That wish extends to anyone and everyone who reads this xxxx
Just a Little Fracture...
I know some of my watchers have known about the problems I have had with my wrist/hand since I had a fall 3 months ago... I finally got my entitlement to free healthcare here in Spain, and was referred to the hospital today. It transpires that I fractured my hand, which has now healed and I now need physiotherapy to get movement back in my wrist - I am assured I will never get it back to full mobility, but to be honest, just getting rid of the pain would help!!!The consultant was stunned that I have suffered through this with no consultation, treatment or medication - he now thinks I am some kind of super-woman hahaha!So, that's where we'r...
Feature: Outstanding New Stock Images
For the last few days I have been browsing the newest stock images, and I have found some that I absolutely love, so I thought I would share them with you.I hope you like them as much as I do :) :thumb336478257: :thumb336166604: :thumb336198816: :thumb336191904:
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© 2010 - 2025 cazcastalla
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thanks for featuring my photos here... there are good photos that u collected