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For more informations on our Gods and Goddesses, check out this page: Gods and Goddesses
Name: Larkka, Goddess of Darkness and Void
Species: Dire Worg
Gender: Intersex, identifies as female
Partner: Hasswei, God of the Hunt and Sun
Official children: Unknown
Status: Alive, returned to Prehistoria
Phenotype: Twilight Night with Pangare, Siamese, Tar, Dusk, Avian, Stripe and Speckles
Mane Type: Draft
Tail Type: Standard
Mutations: Melanistic, Larkka’s Touch
Larkka's Lore:
Larkka was born during a time when mortality didn’t exist. No one was ageing and as a result, no one was dying. Once mortality was created, Larkka was the first to die and then made into a God with the purpose to help guide the spirits of the dead to the Spirit Realm.
Before then, Larkka had to grow accustomed to being a God. She could feel some power hidden beneath her dark hide but had no way of summoning it; no way of knowing why she was given Godhood. She went to the other Gods - Enlil, Imdir, Hathar and even Umbru - to see if they could guide her and teach her, not just about her hidden powers but also to just exist.
As far as she was aware, Larkka had died only yesterday. Time was a concept that she didn’t fully understand or comprehend yet. So her ‘yesterday’ was in fact 100 years on Prehistoria. The fear of being stuck in tar, holding her still and dragging her down into in eternal darkness… It haunted her, made her fear the Tar Pits that she would later claim as her domain.
It was Hasswei that gave her the courage to face the Tar Pits once more. While the other Gods tried to make her feel accepted, Hasswei just tried to impress her. It made her feel normal, or as normal as she could remember. His smile was infectious and his mischievous pranks and humour made her laugh. She couldn’t remember a time when she had laughed as much as she had being around him.
With him around, Larkka felt confident enough to share secrets with him, allowing him to know her more intimately. When she told him of her fears, he decided to help her face and overcome them. She felt unsure at first, already feeling the tar on her like a phantom touch; the cold death creeping up her spine… But Hasswei’s smile and blazing mane gave her a much-needed confidence boost to face her fears. If he was there by her side then she could do this.
To face her fears, Larkka entered the Tar Pits themselves. Her heart stopped and she feared that she would not be able to move. But as Hasswei had told her, the tar would not stop her or slow her. They would not even pull her or claim her. The tar was now a part of her, he said, and he was right.
She waded through the tar as if it was water. She took the plunge and submerged herself in the pits. Before, it felt suffocating and claustrophobic being in the depths of the tar. But now, it was comforting, soothing. When she re-emerged from the tar pits she was covered in the bones of the deceased - the appearance that one sees her in now.
Her dark hide being shrouded by tar and bone was not meant to instil fear in the living but rather prove to herself that she had overcome her fear of the Tar Pits that had once claimed her life. But now, with her mind clouded by hatred, she no longer remembers the origins of the bones adorning her. Just as she no longer cares that it was never meant to make others fear her.
Larkka’s corruption was easy for K’Malou who had already corrupted the mind of Assur. Through trial and error, he knew how to properly corrupt and manipulate; all he needed to do was to first watch and learn about his victims and find their weakness to exploit it.
For Larkka, it was her love and compassion for the living and the dead. And like many of the Gods, Larkka did not understand that time moved differently for them and the mortals. What was moments to her was years for the mortals. And K’Malou knew this; knew that she was naive to the concept of time.
K’Malou whispered in Larkka’s mind as she, like Assur, had been touched by the magic that had trapped K’Malou within Maukai. It made them an easy target to speak to without being there physically. He commended her love for mortals and the dead alike, especially as she was made to help guide the dead over to the next world.
She ignored him at first. The whispers of his compliments slowly began to change into something different, each one containing little bits of information that she tried to ignore until she couldn’t.
“How nice of the mortals to lay down offerings to their loved ones to show they are still remembered and loved. How nice of them to cry over them, cry for them.
“Did anyone cry for you, Larkka, when you died in the Tar Pits? Did anyone remember you? Of course, they lay offerings for you now; you’re a God and it’s to be expected… But did they lay down offerings to remember you as the mortal you once were?
“How odd; these resting places are empty and turning to ruin…”
K’Malou asked Larkka if her love for the dead was echoed within the mortals. She scoffed and told him that of course the mortals loved the dead; they were friends and family. He asked if she was sure of her answer and Larkka hesitated the second time he asked and heard the concern in his voice.
He directed her to a family that she had been to years ago to help guide their loved one across. “I know that you remember who you helped cross over with this family, know that you remember their name and face. But do their own family remember?”
Larkka knew she shouldn’t listen to K’Malou after his past actions but his concern and questions made her curious. She had never revisited a family before and was curious to see if they, like her, still remembered. Larkka went to the family one more and saw that they no longer wept over their lost family member. They no longer went to their grave to mourn or place offerings and they were smiling and laughing as if they had never lost anyone. It was as if they had forgotten.
Their disregard for the dead angered Larkka. Each time she guided the dead to the Spirit Realm they always spoke of a fear to her; a fear of being forgotten. She told them that she would never forget them and she didn’t. She remembered every face and name that she encountered and told them that their friends and family would always remember them and never once forget them.
Larkka felt betrayed. She felt like she had betrayed the spirits by lying to them; telling them they wouldn’t be forgotten by the mortals who were clearly forgetting about them.
The corruption was quick. It festered like a wound until her compassion was reserved only for the dead. Her vision became clouded and she even began to despite her sister, Umbru, who she believed was attempting to steal her beloved, Hasswei.
* Before Corruption
Compassionate, caring and loving, playful and gentle.
Larkka had compassion not just for the dead but also for the living, though all of her attention and love was mostly for those that had died as they were the ones that needed the most love and patience in order to help them pass over.
Her playful nature only showed itself when around Hasswei.
* After Corruption
Resentful, angry, spiteful.
Though her compassion remains in tact, it is now reserved only for those that had died. Her love for mortals dwindled to nothing but resentment over their lack of concern for their dead.
Even her love for Hasswei seems to have dwindled to a mere spark rather than a blazing flame...
Original Design: (c) WiIdpaws
Artwork: (c) Aspi-Galou
Personality and Lore: (c) AccursedLore