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Take your turn on the Catwalk.
Years Ago
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The Catwalk will be closing it's doors at the end of February.
Looking at Tumbler & Facebook

Since announcing our closing I've gotten a few notes and the comments below. I am thinking of adding this to my personal site but I don't think Tumbler or Facebook would be bad ideas either...
I am thinking about it and will keep everyone interested posted.

We had a pretty good run - 4 years almost! However, the lack of interest and other things going on have brought about the final decision to shut down. I will be backing up all of the past challenges just in case there comes a time that things might change and if anyone would want to use them later.
Thank you, all of you, for your participation and support!

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November Updates

*the seasonal showdown is still going until Demeber 21st!

Monthly Mini Collection

Now being in the US, Thanksgiving is a huge thing... I don't celebrate it personally but the vast majority of people do in some way or another. However, I think I'm going to put the focus on the food for this challenge. So... You must create a 3 piece mini collection consisting of one each of the following: business attire, evening wear & day wear.
And me being me, I'm not going to go with the "traditional" ideas of Thanksgiving meal. Nope. I'm too weird for that. So your inspirations are foods that the First Nations people would have eaten. Please select at least one game (animal) and one produce though you can choose up to three total for your collection.
Only one collection per person.

:bulletorange: White tailed deer
:bulletorange: Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
:bulletorange: Pumpkinseed Sunfish (not a very large fish but good tasting and easy to catch)
:bulletyellow: Wild Rice
:bulletyellow: Hominy
:bulletyellow: Currants
:bulletyellow: Dandilions

The deadline for this challenge is MIDNIGHT PST on the 1st of December.
You can submit your designs here:…

Everyday Inspirations

Similar to the original Spotlight and Weekly challenge, you will be given an inspiration and a particular fashion niche. The only difference now is that instead of just one submission per person, you can submit up to three different designs and earn points for each!

So the particular niche we are dealing with for November is: Eveningwear
Your inspiration is: Poppy Flower

The deadline for this challenge is MIDNIGHT PST on the 1st of December.
You can submit your designs here:…

Global Inspirations

Now this is very much like the EIC, but this time your inspirations will be places instead of objects and foods. Again, you can submit up to three different designs and earn points for each!

So the particular niche we are dealing with for November is: Casual Date Attire
Your inspiration is: Parliment; London, England

The deadline for this challenge is MIDNIGHT PST on the 1st of December.
You can submit your designs here:…

Seasonal Show Collection

This challenge will be held from the first day of the season the night before the next. Here's how it will work:
From the selected seasonal inspiration you must create a 9-12 look collection. This will be a polled challenge.
Everyone that participates (and completes the challenge) will earn 30 points. If a participant does not finish the challenge they will earn 2 points per design and forfeit their place in the polls.

Your Fall inspiration is.... Pumpkin & Spice

Now you can take this literally and make a collection based around the plethora of pumpkins and fall spices (thyme, cloves, allspice and cinnamon to name a few). Or you can go abstract. The colors and emotions that the scents of fall evoke.
Your collection can be all gowns, casual, a mixture of day to day life, Male and/or Female.
One design MUST somehow contain leaves.
Pumpkin vines perhaps?
This is fall after all.

The deadline for this challenge is MIDNIGHT PST on the 21st of December, 2015.
You can submit your designs here:…

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Participation, Points & Prizes

Points will only be awarded to those that participate during the Challenges' time frame - EXCEPT - for the Past Challenges points. These will be awarded to any Member that submits to the New Designs for Past Challenges gallery folder.

First let's get to the points!

Seasonal Show Collection - 30 pts.
Monthly Mini - 15 pts.
Everyday Inspirations - 5 pts.
Glodal Inspirations - 5 pts.
Past Challenges - 2 pt.

Special Event Poll Placement**
Overall Top Choice - 25 pts.
1st Runner Up - 15 pts.
2nd Runner Up - 10 pts.
Honorable Mention - 5 pts.

Now, seeing as I love to design, I will be participating but my designs will not be in the running for placement nor will I be collecting points for the final prize give away. Speaking of prizes this is what I've come up with so far (prizes will be given on points earned):

1st Place
:bulletyellow: 6 month Premium membership

2nd Place
:bulletyellow: 3 month Premium membership

3rd Place
:bulletyellow: 1 month Premium membership

If anyone would like to donate a prize to add then I'll be more then happy to list it here be it a commission or whatever. Also, the points can be adjusted at any time to apply to different challenges.

**Polls will now ONLY be for special challenges, such as the Points Bomb and the NEW (coming soon) Seasonal Show Collection Challenge

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26th September 2105

Well, it's been about 6 months since I last updated with the new ideas for this group and not even a nibble. I am going to give it one last shot since we have roughly 6 months left in my Supergroup subscription.
From this point until the end of February we are starting fresh. I wonder if I put too much out there for everyone. Too many ideas, etc. So we'll be starting out simple again.
I am going to keep the new points system.
Check it out!… We are getting rid of the polls for every challenge. It will be points per design/challenge only - EXCEPT - for the Points Bomb Challenge which I still want to keep.
I will be using categories, I think for all future challenges. Well, not so much categories. I guess you'll have to see what I mean, so keep an eye out for the new journals.
Really, I am hoping to get back the interest that we had when this began.

...Hmm, maybe a Cutthroat Kitchenesque type challenge would work?

Your friendly neighborhood ArtSquirrel

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Participation, Points & Prizes

Since I am the only one running this group the prizes are not going to be all that grand but I'm going to try my hardest to at least have something. The final announcement of the winners will be the first week of February (since our creation anniversary is January 14th and our SuperGroup anniversary is February 1st). :la:

Points will only be awarded to those that participate during the Challenges' time frame - EXCEPT - for the Past Challenges points. These will be awarded to any Member that submits to the New Designs for Past Challenges gallery folder.

First let's get to the points!

Seasonal - 30 pts.
Monthly - 20 pts.
BTO - 15 pts.
Spotlight - 15 pts.
Strange Holidays - 5 pts. each
Past Challenges - 2 pt.

Special Event Poll Placement**
Overall Top Choice - 25 pts.
1st Runner Up - 15 pts.
2nd Runner Up - 10 pts.
Honorable Mention - 5 pts.

Now, seeing as I love to design, I will be participating but my designs will not be in the running for placement nor will I be collecting points for the final prize give away. Speaking of prizes this is what I've come up with so far (prizes will be given on points earned):

1st Place
:bulletyellow: 12 month Premium membership

2nd Place
:bulletyellow: 6 month Premium membership

3rd Place
:bulletyellow: 3 month Premium membership

If anyone would like to donate a prize to add then I'll be more then happy to list it here be it a commission or whatever. Also, the points can be adjusted at any time to apply to different challenges.

**Polls will now ONLY be for special challenges, such as the Points Bomb and the occasional NEW (coming soon) Seasonal Show Challenge

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New Challenges for a New Catwalk by CatwalkChallenge, journal

Points System 2.0 by CatwalkChallenge, journal

TBA Points Bomb Challenge! by CatwalkChallenge, journal

Project Runway 2014 Past Challenges by CatwalkChallenge, journal

PR Challenge: TBA by CatwalkChallenge, journal