CatStock on DeviantArt

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CatStock's avatar

Rules Stamp



In case someone clicked the stamp instead of the link, you can find the stock rules here:… =^_^=

I've used a "Rules" plz (x2) for a long while now, :iconrules01plz::iconrules02plz:
It's made by someone else, so though it was about time I made my own =)
I will use it as a stamp in my description to make it easy to see the link to my stock rules =^_^=
My rules are fairly basic, and is mostly there so people don't have to ask what they can or can not do with my photos =)

As for this stamp, you might use it if you like =)
Just use the thumb code:
Rules Stamp by CatStock

I might make a new one every once in a while, if I know myself right ;)
This was made in Infinite Painter, an android program =^_^=
Image size
100x50px 13.27 KB
© 2014 - 2024 CatStock
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