CatspawDTP's avatar


Dave Bryant
265 Watchers416 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Varied
My Bio
  • E-mail:

  • Discord: catspawdtp

  • Ko-fi: CatspawDTP

  • Fimfiction: Dave Bryant

  • Telegram/FurAffinity/FurryMUCK/Tapestries: Tom_Clowder

  • Mastodon:

I’m a freelance graphic designer and production artist doing business as Catspaw DTP LLC in Silicon Valley, California.

My career started in the late 1980s, before the Web existed, during the waning days of hot wax and paste-up boards. At first I worked on monthly magazines, and they along with books remain my favorite projects. These days, however, I’m more likely to be working on marketing collateral, packaging, or instruction sheets and booklets.

This gallery displays personal projects and provides an outlet for my sense of whimsy. A sampling of past professional work can be found at my business Web site.

Profile Comments 63

anonymous's avatar
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I thought you should see this piece I got from Chris Grant.

Drake Rhein + Kette Barona by RandomCoyoteStudios

Thank you most kindly for the watch, I appreciate it greatly!:aww:

Deviant Watch

Hello! Thank you for watching o/

I lost an archive drive, and had to replace my Sun & Moon data so I can make more sets.

I remember your gallery having a link to someone's in-development computer version, too.  But I can't find it.

Was I mistaken? Or was it removed? And if it is there, may I ask where I should look for it?|

(I tried a Google search, but Pokemon-related entries crowded out anything that may have led anywhere.)

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So instead you’re trying to piggyback on other people’s accounts to advertise your project? That’s a form of freeloading, especially since you dropped this message without even a by-your-leave. My attention was elsewhere, or I would have addressed this sooner. Congratulations; you got your free advertising for a week or two. But I can’t let it continue.