8 facts about Ugly Cat

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catkitte's avatar
because everyone else is doing it xD

1.) Post the rules.
2.) Post 8 facts about your character.
3.) Tag 8 other characters.
4.) Post their names along with their creators avatars

I choose Ugly Cat since he's the most popular. :)

1. His real name is.... let me spoil you a bit. his initial is D. ;)

2. When I first created him 7 years ago, the stitched scar on his left eye originally had no meaning nor backstory. I just added it to make him look.. well, intimidating. but later after I revised my Animalkids series and added Panda in it, I finally found the reason why he got that scar (that is, clawed by Panda)

3. Since there's nothing left in the town he lives in now, he sometimes go to the forest to hunt for food.

4. besides his cousin, he really has no friends whatsoever. He has trust issues toward other animals; even more greater after Panda betrayed him.

5. When I first created him... he was like, typical kind of villain in kids cartoons who wish to "rule the world" and just like randomly appear to fuck everything up. xD When the series got revised, he changed to....... well, actually it's hard to see him as a "villain" now because of his story. :'D despite his hatred toward humanity and everything, he still has a heart like everyone else.

6. If there are things that his magic can't do, is to teleport and/or levitate.

7. His magic also give him ability to possess someone. y'know, taking control over their mind and body. like a demon. you'll know when someone is possessed by Ugly Cat from their eyes color (obviously). He can still use his magic while possessing someone, but kinda limited.

8. He used to love someone in the past.

BONUS: a veeeeery old comic page with Ugly Cat in it, way before the series got revised. yea, he was a dorky villain. He even had a bird-dragon thing as a pet. XD
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